The Ferry Building at 日落 from the bay.

Where to Watch
The 日落 in San Francisco

No matter the season, sunsets are spectacular in San Francisco. Here are the best places to see them.

There are so many unique, 令人兴奋的, and thrilling things to experience in San Francisco—but sometimes, it's not so bad to slow down, 放松, and get back to basics. Why not enjoy the natural beauty of a San Francisco sunset? Whether indoors or outdoors, on land or at sea, 以下是我们推荐的几种在贝博体彩app观看美丽日落的方法.

Baker Beach

这个受欢迎的海滩在普雷西迪奥提供了最好的海景 Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands. We can't think of a better way to frame a beautiful sunset.

Bernal Heights Park

Head to Bernal Heights Park, adjacent to the Mission District at the southern end of the city. After a short hike to the park’s summit, 你将获得360度全景的奖励,在一天中的任何时候都很美丽,但在棉花糖粉色的天空下更美丽. On a clear evening, 你可以一直看到一边是金门大桥,另一边是湾景猎人角. 山顶上还有一个迷人的树秋千,你可能从它在Instagram上的名声中认出来了.

Cityscape Lounge

It’s all in the name. Located on the 46th floor of the Hilton at Union Square这家酒吧提供了令人难以置信的360度贝博体彩app城市景观. 这基本上保证了你将拥有加州城市中最好的日落景色之一. And don’t worry if the fog starts to roll in because, at 46 floors up, the sights can be just as astonishing. 同时,利用厨房的小吃和调酒师的特色饮料.

Grand View Park

Want the inside scoop on where the locals go to watch the sunset? 他们前往这个僻静,浪漫的山顶公园在一个名副其实的 日落 neighborhood. 你会和你的爱人一起享受宁静的全景.

土地结束 & Sutro Bath Ruins

One of San Francisco’s most picturesque beaches, 兰兹角隐藏在林肯公园以西的悬崖后面,可以通过徒步小径到达. 沿着悬崖的徒步旅行很漂亮,但很陡峭,所以一定要穿结实的鞋子. The sight of the crashing waves, 柏树山坡和金门大桥映衬着令人难忘的日落. Within walking distance of 土地结束 are the Sutro Bath ruins, 一个巨大而令人印象深刻的结构,由六个咸水池和一个淡水池组成. It was slated to be demolished in favor of condos, but before that could happen, the baths were destroyed by a fire. 今天,这些废墟证明了一位贝博体彩app人的远见以及他对这座城市的看法.

Ocean Beach

Just south of 土地结束 is Ocean Beach这是一个经典的加州海滩,沿着城市的西侧延伸. 它梦幻般的海滨景色使它成为放松和观看太阳沉入太平洋的理想场所, 但别忘了回望东方,欣赏这座城市黄金时刻的辉煌, 太. 海洋海滩一年中的大部分时间都很冷,但这就是篝火的用处.

Cruise the San Francisco Bay

没有理由不去享受红白舰队的日落之旅, 一个浪漫的巡航在海湾,特色现场音乐和免费的开胃菜和饮料. 这是游览贝博体彩app地标的绝佳机会,比如 阿尔卡特拉斯岛Angel Island and the Golden Gate Bridge. As expected, these sunset cruises are very popular and require reservations, so book the 日落 Cruise today.

Buy 日落 Cruise Tickets

Twin Peaks

Located in the geographical center of San Francisco, Twin Peaks towers over the city at an elevation of about 925 feet. The panorama from the top of each peak, which spans from Ocean Beach and the Golden Gate Bridge to the Mission District and Potrero Hill, will leave you breathless. 双峰应该被牢牢地列在任何游客和当地人的日落追逐名单上.

Treasure Island

一座为1939年金门国际博览会建造的人工岛, Treasure Island 在这里可以看到海湾大桥和天际线最壮观的景色. Come sunset (or sunrise, for that matter), 你肯定会看到相机三脚架点缀在岛屿的边缘,期待着捕捉到完美的镜头. 整个北部海滨从一座桥到另一座桥都从金银岛的棕榈大道展示出来.

Restaurants with a View


City Experiences & 事件的 yachts (Pier 3, “Embarcadero”是漂浮的餐厅,在那里你可以从一个全新的角度看日落. 城市体验提供一切从晚宴舞蹈游船私人定制包机在贝博体彩app湾.

Top of the Mark (999 California St.), a popular destination since its opening in 1939, 是一个独特的休息室与无价的景色,一直吸引着来自世界各地的游客. 玻璃幕墙的鸡尾酒休息室提供了令人惊叹的全景,从城市的最高点之一.

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